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Electronic Theses & Dissertations


Since 2003, all WPI theses and dissertations have been made available freely online as ETD’s – electronic theses and dissertations. WPI is a member of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.  This organization is dedicated to “unlocking access to graduate education” by making the full text of theses and dissertations available online.

This guide provides students and faculty information about thesis and dissertation submission and publication processes, and helps you find completed WPI theses and dissertations.

How will WPI theses and dissertations be available?

Most will be made available to the general public via WPI’s ETD database on the web. Authors in consultation with their advisors may choose to restrict their works to be accessible only by members of the WPI community, or to be completely unavailable, for a limited period of years.

Factors in this decision may include copyright, intellectual property, patenting, confidentiality, or other concerns. Students and advisors should discuss these issues thoroughly as early in the process as possible.

What is required for submission?

The following are required for proper submission of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs):

1. Online submission through eProjects 2.0 of a digitally signed approval form, or a digital copy of your signed signature page.  You may download a blank digital approval form below, and instructions for its use.

2. The thesis or dissertation, with unsigned title page, converted to PDF and uploaded via the ETD Submission Website (eProjects 2.0).
     The title page contains the following information: Title of dissertation or thesis; full name of author; degree; department/program; date; advisor's name; co-advisor's name - if applicable; names of committee members - if applicable; name of the head of department/program  - if applicable  (See examples below.)

*Students will receive a confirmation from the ETD submission system once it has been accepted by the advisor. The Registrar’s office will be notified simultaneously of the ETD confirmation.  

More information:
For additional questions about electronic theses and dissertations, please contact

For additional guidance about thesis requirements, please see the Graduate Catalog.

For additional guidance on researching or writing your thesis or dissertation, see the Library’s guide on graduate research, or contact the Gordon Library, at