Zotero is a free open-source citation manager that can help you organize your sources and generate citations.
Go to zotero.org to download Zotero and create a free Zotero account. You can use any of your email addresses to create your account.
This page provides an intro to using Zotero. You can find additional support documents on Zotero's website: https://www.zotero.org/support/
There are multiple ways to add sources to your Zotero library.
1. Use the Zotero browser extension.
2. Add a source manually.
3. Add a pdf
4. Add a source via the WPI Library Search.
5. Add a source via GoogleScholar
Learn more about adding items to Zotero: https://www.zotero.org/support/adding_items_to_zotero
1. GoogleDocs
The Zotero Connector adds a Zotero menu to the Google Docs interface:
Add/Edit Citation: Add a new citation or edit an existing citation in your document at the cursor location.
The first time you select this option, a pop-up will ask you to log in to your Zotero account.
Then another pop-up will ask you to select your citation style.
Then a red box will appear where you can search for the source you wish to cite (start typing in the author or title to see a drop-down list of sources that match your search).
If you do not see the red Zotero search box, click on the Zotero icon at the bottom of your desktop to bring it up
Add/Edit Bibliography: Insert a bibliography. (You must already have at least one in-text citation in your document before you can add the bibliography. As you add in-text citations for new sources, those sources will also be added to your bibliography.)
Learn more about using Zotero with GoogleDocs: https://www.zotero.org/support/google_docs
2. Word
Add/Edit Citation: Add a new citation or edit an existing citation in your document at the cursor location.
A pop-up will ask you to select your citation style.
Then a red box will appear where you can search for the source you wish to cite (start typing in the author or title to see a drop-down list of sources that match your search).
If you do not see the red Zotero search box, click on the Zotero icon at the bottom of your desktop to bring it up
Add/Edit Bibliography: Insert a bibliography. (You must already have at least one in-text citation in your document before you can add the bibliography. As you add in-text citations for new sources, those sources will also be added to your bibliography.)
Learn more about the Zotero Word plug-in: https://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_usage
3. Right-Click to Create Citation/Bibliography
ZoteroBib is free online citation generator. It is useful for quickly generating a citation that you can copy and paste. You do not need an account, and ZoteroBib will not save your sources. Go to zbib.org to use ZoteroBib.
Go to zotero.org/groups to create a group library. One person from your team should create the group and then invite the other team members to join.