This workshop will help participants in very practical ways, such as preparing for library staff or faculty outreach (i.e., working with faculty on publication agreements, interacting in their roles as liaisons, and developing programming for faculty and/or graduate students), contextualizing collection development decisions to internal and external stakeholders, and initiating or supporting new models for scholarly communication in their libraries.
Scholarly Communication: From Understanding to Engagement
The particular focus areas of June’s workshop will be:
- Measuring Research Impact
- Copyright in Making and Sharing Scholarship
- Outreach and Programming
Program Description
The goal of the program is to empower participants to help accelerate the transformation of the scholarly communication system. Participants will engage in a structured interactive program. In 2016-17, the workshop will focus on themes of:
- Access
- Emerging opportunities
- Intellectual property
- Engagement
Participants can expect to achieve learning outcomes in the four theme areas as follows:
- Understand some of the basic economic principles that characterize the traditional scholarly publishing system and the effect they have on access to knowledge.
- Enumerate new modes and models of scholarly communication and ways libraries and other stakeholders can support those models, including through open access policies.
- Understand the potential that new collaborations and partnerships offer for access, advocacy, and sustainability.
- Consider and reflect on how alternative funding sources for scholarly publishing can impact global access.
Emerging Opportunities
- Identify and examine current models and programming that support openness.
- Understand new technologies and methods to advance the creation, flow, dissemination and preservation of scholarly information.
- Discuss growing movement towards alternative methods of measuring impact of scholarship.
- Explore models that they might consider piloting or experimenting.
Intellectual Property
- Understand how copyright arises and identify types of material that are likely to be subject to copyright protection.
- Identify the likely copyright owners of academic works and have a reasonable awareness of the rights attendant on such protection.
- Be familiar with rights transfer and retention language commonly used in publishing contracts.
- Recognize the impact that specific copyright management practices have on monopolistic pricing, impediments to access, and the stewardship of knowledge.
- Explore methods for discovering/measuring campus opportunities and faculty activity in open access, i.e., environmental scans, focus groups, etc.
- Identify techniques to reach out to faculty, departments, students and research groups based on their needs and library strengths, opportunities.
- Consider piloting or experimenting with new models for creating and disseminating scholarship, including alternative funding sources, on their own campuses.
- Increase awareness of collaborations that exist to support new forms of scholarly communications and seek new partnerships that can advance progress in these areas.
- Consider what next steps are needed to deploy appropriate programs or pilot projects using key principles, facts, models, and messages relevant to scholarly communication plans and programs in their institutions.