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BB 4900: Advanced Topics in Biology and Biotechnology: Developmental Neurobiology: Journals


Finding Journals

1. On the library homepage, click on the "Journals" link under the main search box.​

Screenshot of the WPI Library homepage with a teal arrow pointing to the Journals link


2. This will bring you to a tool called Browzine. Here you can search for journals by title or by subject ​

 Screenshot of the Browzine homepage with a search for "Neurobiology"


3. Click on a journal title.​ Browse recent articles in that journal.​ To search for articles by keyword, click on "See All" on the left.​

 Screenshot of the Browzine record for the journal Cell. A yellow arrow points to the "See All" link.


4. Clicking "See All" will bring you to the journal's record in the WPI Library Search. ​From here, click on the title of the journal.​

 Screenshot of the WPI Library Search record for the journal Cell


5. Then search within the journal.

 Screenshot of the searchbox for finding articles in the journal Cell

Professor Ryder recommends the following journals for finding primary (original) research articles.

In addition to the journals listed in the "Primary Literature" tab, Professor Ryder recommends the following journals for finding review articles.