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Gordon Library - Annual Reports, Survey Results, and Statistics
Q11: share your suggestions or opinions about print books in the library
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Gordon Library - Annual Reports, Survey Results, and Statistics
Annual Reports
Student Survey Results 2023
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How often do you visit the library building?
When you go to Gordon Library, how long do you typically stay?
When you go to Gordon Library which space(s) in the library do you prefer to use?
What are some reasons you don't go to the library building?
What do you think of these library services?
What would you like to see at the Library (e.g. new services; new or better spaces)?
Which of these library improvements or new services would be important to you ?
Tell us what you think about the popular reading books (e.g. bestsellers, graphic novels and other non-academic books) in the library.
Share your suggestions or opinions about popular reading books in the library.
Approximately what percentage of required textbooks do you purchase in a typical term/semester?
Approximately how much do you spend on textbooks in a typical year?
What strategies do you use to avoid buying textbooks?
Have you taken any courses during your time at WPI that did not require the purchase of a traditional textbook?
Would you like to see WPI courses designated in the catalog with an icon that indicates a course does not require a textbook?
Have you, as part of a course, created or helped create learning resources for your class, whether as a group or as an individual author?
What is your year / program at WPI?
What is your primary academic department/program?
Do you identify as:
Student Survey Results 2022
Q2: what is your year / program at WPI?
Q3: What is your primary academic department/program?
Q4: Do you identify as ...
Q5: What word(s) come to mind when you think of Gordon Library?
Q6: In a typical WPI term, do you go at least once to the Gordon library building?
Q7: When you go to Gordon Library which space(s) in the library do you prefer to use?
Q8: When you go to Gordon Library, how long do you typically stay?
Q9: Which of these library improvements or new services would be important to you?
Q10: Tell us what you think about the print books in the library
Q11: share your suggestions or opinions about print books in the library
Q12: What do you think of these library services?
Q13: What are some reasons you don't go to the library building?
Q14: What would you like to see at the Library?
Student Survey Results 2024
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What is your year / program at WPI?
Do you identify as any of the following?
How often do you visit the library building?
When you go to Gordon Library, how long do you typically stay?
When you go to Gordon Library which space(s) in the library do you prefer to use?
What would you like to see at the Library (e.g. new services; new or better spaces)?
What additional spaces or improved spaces would you like to see at the Library?
What do you think of these library services?
Which of these library improvements or new services would be important to you?
What type of resources do you expect to be available in Digital WPI (institutional repository)?
Have you used Digital WPI (institutional repository) to access these resources?
Q11: Share your suggestions or opinions about print books in the library
Q10: Tell us what you think about the print books in the library
Q12: What do you think of these library services? >>
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