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Scopus: Exporting from Scopus to EndNote

Exporting from Scopus to EndNote

Step 1: Exporting the file from Scopus

1. Run your search in Scopus.

2. Check the boxes next to articles for the citations you wish to export to your EndNote library. If you want to export an entire page of results or the entire results list, click All and then Select all or Select page

**Use the ADD TO LIST option to temporarily save records before exporting if you wish to export records from multiple pages or multiple searches.


scopus add to list

3. To export your selected records, click Export at the top of your results. 

4. In the pop-up box, choose RIS format. Select the desired information to export from the menu. Click Export.

5. Your export settings automatically save for the duration of your session. These settings include the file type and the type of information (i.e. citation fields) that gets exported.  However, you can change the file type or add/remove any of the citation fields each time you export.


Step 2: Importing into EndNote

Method #1

1.   Once you click Export, the RIS file should download.

2.   Click on OPEN or OPEN FILE. If you didn't already have the EndNote program open, it will open automatically and either (depending on your EndNote settings) import the references to the last library you had open or ask you to select which library you wish for the new citations to be added to. Also, if you have an older version of a browser, you may encounter different messages from what's described here. 

Opening an RIS File from Scopus




Method #2


1. In EndNote, under the File menu, choose Import, then File.



3. On the Import File line, Select the RIS file downloaded from Scopus. Set the Import Option to Reference Manager (RIS). [Leave Duplicates and Text Translation options as is.]


4. Click on Import.