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What are "peer-reviewed" journals?
A peer-reviewed journal is a respected academic publication. Before articles are published within these types of journals, they are sent by the editors of the journal to other scholars in the field ("peers"), often anonymously, to get feedback on the quality of the scholarship, review research methods, as well as relevance or importance to the field. The article may be accepted, often with revisions suggested, or rejected for publication.
Peer-reviewed journals are highly respected, and researchers wish to have their works published in them. Many often have low acceptance rates.
One way to find peer reviewed articles is to type your keywords into WPI LIbrary Search, and then choose the filter for Peer-Reviewed Journals. You can also search our Databases (organized by subject) for peer-reviewed articles.
To find peer reviewed articles in WPI Library Search, enter your keywords and on the search results page choose the Peer-Reviewed Journals filter on the left.
A scholarly conference is a place (physical or virtual) where scholars gather to present new research and to learn about and discuss new developments. A conference paper is a paper that has been submitted to a professional conference and accepted by the conference organizers for inclusion.
To find conference papers in WPI Library Search, enter your keywords and on the search results page go to the Resource Type filter on the left and select Conference Proceedings.
To find journal articles and conference papers for this class, you'll likely need to use a combination of humanities databases and computer science databases. Here are some databases that can help you find sources for your research on ethics in robotics and artificial intelligence:
The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing:
This collection provides unmatched discipline-specific coverage spanning thousands of publications, many in full text. Subject coverage: Computer Science; Information Systems; Computer Security; Database Design; Software Development; Web Commerce; LANs; WANs; Intranets; Internet.
Contains over 50,000 articles covering a range of engineering, applied science and technology journals.
Abstracts from the Compendex database, which includes the electronic version of Engineering Index, with links to full text articles, patents, standards and handbooks in scientific, applied science, technical and engineering disciplines. Comprising journals, conference proceedings, dissertations, standards, books, and recently preprints, Compendex content is sourced from thousands of publishers from around the world, including major engineering societies such as IEEE, ASME, SAE and ACM.
Indexing and full text of hundreds of journals, books and other published sources from around the world on various humanities topics.
The IEEE Xplore digital library is a resource for discovery of scientific and technical content published by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and its publishing partners. It contains the.full text of all IEEE and IEE journal articles, conference papers, and standards. Tutorials are available at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplorehelp/ieee-xplore-training/video-tutorials
Online archive of eBooks and complete backruns of scholarly journals in a variety of academic fields.
Search full text of the New York Times.
This bibliographic database offers informative, author-written abstracts covering scholarly research in all areas of philosophy. The literature covered goes back to 1940 and includes journal articles, books, book chapters such as contributions to an anthology and book reviews.
Full text access to scholarly humanities, social sciences, and mathematics journals.
Full text access to more than 2000 Elsevier science, social science, engineering and management scholarly journals.
Access the most recent and relevant statistics and studies on a specific topic by simply entering a keyword. statista aggregates statistical data on over 600 international industries from more than 18,000 sources, including market researchers, trade organizations, scientific journals, and government databases.