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ID2050 - Worcester, MA Project Center - Professor Foo: Copyright & Projects

More Information on Copyright & Your Project

Attend a library workshop to learn more about making sure you are copyright complaint!

Copyright and IQPs

Students working on WPI projects often have questions about using images, video, and other materials in their projects. Because most projects will be published on the web for all to see, the principle of Fair Use for Educational purposes does not always apply.

If you have a question please send specifics to the following email address:

Questions could include:

  • Do I need to seek permission to use this image? [Please provide image and information about where you found it.]
  • Can I use this trademarked image in my class presentation?
  • Can this video be linked from my project report?
  • Who owns the copyright to this material that I would like to use in my report?

You may find answers to some of these questions by looking through the resources below.

Copyright at WPI

If you are having questions about copyright and your WPI project the following resources may give you the answers you need.  Otherwise contact for further assistance.

Copyright Permission Letter Template for WPI Students

Open and edit the attached template in order to request permission to use copyrighted materials.  This letter should be addressed to the copyright holder and should be kept in your files.  Not sure who the copyright holder is? may be able to assist.