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HI 2921: Topics in Modern European History: Epidemics: Primary Sources

Prof. Paul Russell

Primary Sources for History

Primary sources are materials that provide firsthand testimony to a subject under investigation. Researchers often use these firsthand accounts of specific events to understand events from the viewpoint of people living during that time period. Primary sources include documents and artifacts from the time period under study, such as letters, diaries, photographs, newspaper articles, pamphlets, government records, songs, poems, and videos. Primary sources also include writings and recordings by witnesses who experienced the events or conditions being documented. For example, oral histories, autobiographies, and memoirs are primary sources.

Library Databases with Primary Sources

Primary Sources: Books at WPI

Sometimes collections of primary source documents are republished in books. To find books like these, search WPI Library Search for books about your topic and add keywords like journals, papers, letters, documents, primary sources, documentary history, or sourcebook to your search terms. 

Here are some examples of books containing reprinted primary sources:

Cover page of an 1803 pamphlet titled, "On the Influenza as it Prevailed in Bristol, and its Vicinity"

Nott, John. On the Influenza as it Prevailed in Bristol and its Vicinity during 1803. Bristol: W. Bulgin, 1803.

In the public domain. 

WPI Archives and Special Collections

Archives and Special Collections (ASC) serves as the institutional memory of Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) and curates the university's collection of manuscripts, rare books, art, and objects. The ASC staff is committed to the preservation of the historical and cultural resources produced by WPI faculty, students, and staff while also providing support for primary source education and research. 

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