Using the worksheet below, list words and phrases related to your research topic. These keywords might include religious concepts, important religious figures, and the names of sacred texts. Use online encyclopedias to help you find words and concepts related to your research topic. As you look for sources in the library databases, scan titles and abstracts for additional keywords. The more you read about your topic, the more you will pick up on the relevant vocabulary associated with your topic. Your list of keywords will grow and evolve as your research progresses and as you adjust your research topic.
Think: Brainstorm keywords related to your research topic and write them down on the worksheet.
Pair: Pair up with a classmate and share your keywords. Offer feedback and suggestions on your partner's keywords.
Share: Share your research topic and your keywords with the class.
Look for a source related to your research topic. This could be a journal article, book, book chapter, or other type of source. Use the worksheet below to keep track of where you searched, what keywords and search filters you used, and what you found.
Think: Look for a source related to your research topic and use the worksheet below to take notes on your search process and what you found.
Pair: Pair up with a classmate and tell them about your search process and what you found. Provide feedback and suggestions to your partner on their search process.
Share: Tell the class what you found and how you found it.