What's in this guide?
This guide provides a survey of the current digital learning objects developed by librarians at the Gordon Library on the Research and Instruction team. Presently, tutorials are organized into four general categories of instruction, based upon identifiable student informational needs. Furthermore, updates and additions will occur on a rolling basis, with the intention of highlighting the library's expansive portfolio of student-facing services (of which there are many). So, stay tuned!
If you are new to the Suite, please review the brief introductory video which discusses some of the inspiration and philosophy which underpins these assets. In addition, for quick on-boarding, see the list below of some of the more notable features from our tutorials on offer.
Video tutorial features:
We're always looking to improve our digital learnings assets, and we'd love to hear from you.
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to us at reslib@wpi.org. We are available to meet in-person or via Zoom, or simply converse via email. Thanks again!