Create an Account. You do not need to register a username to edit, but registration is strongly encouraged.
- Please review the username policy page on Wikipedia before choosing your Wikipedia name!
- As you compare the pros and cons of using one's own name or a pseudonym on Wiki see this article for additional insight:
- When you create a new account, you have certain privileges. Once you have been active in Wikipedia with your new account, you can attain certain access levels, which include the ability to start a new article. All of this (including the intricacies of what those privileges can be) is outlined on the User Access Levels page.
Basic Editing - Training
If you are quite new to editing Wikipedia, watch these videos (created in the context of the ArtAndFeminism Wikipedia:Meetup):
More in-depth topics
You can also review these Wikipedia Training Modules or these Professional Development Training Modules to get ready to edit.