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Provides free online access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.
COVID-19 Racial Disparities and Crisis Standards of Care This issue brief examines evidence of racial disparities with respect to COVID-19 infections and deaths, possible causes, and legal protections against race discrimination.
How Racism is Shaping the Coronavirus Pandemic The New Yorker magazine interviews Evelynn Hammonds, who chairs Harvard’s department of the history of science, and has spent her career studying the intersection of race and disease.
The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law This page presents key resources and information on how international law provides a framework to uphold human rights during crisis response Including: U.S. Current Trend: Anti-Mask Laws, COVID-19, and the First Amendment and Coronovirus and Civic Spaces and US Protest Law Tracker
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is an organization that promotes and defends civil liberties in the digital world information including free speech, illegal surveillance. It has case law, white papers and recently released EFF's Guide to Digital Rights During the Pandemic: An ebook
The HIPPA Journal covers various HIPAA news on data breaches and regulatory issues. A recent article demonstrates the different viewpoints of tracing apps: Republicans and Democrats Introduce Competing Bills Covering COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps