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LGBTQIAP+ History Month: Book Spotlights

Dive into the vibrant tapestry of LGBTQIA+ history and culture with this comprehensive guide, celebrating the diverse and inspiring journey of the community

Finding Scholarly Resources

Search WPI LIBRARY SEARCH for books, articles, media and more!


Suggested search terms and keywords:

Gay liberation movement          Gay rights ​                 Gender identity           Hate crimes                         

Homophobia                              Homosexuality           Queer theory             Sexual orientation                 

Same-sex marriage                   Sexual minority          Transgenderism        Sexuality                        

Gordon Library Featured LGBTQIAP+ Book Collection

The Gordon Library invites you to browse our LGTBQIAP+ e-book collection! Resources have been curated to provide support in subject areas such as Black LGTBQIAP+, trans & gender Identity, marriage & adoption equality, minorities, culture, & region specific LGTBQIAP+ issues, other general LGTBQIAP+ resources, and some LGTBQIAP+ fiction for recreational reading. This collection is not a reflection of all LGTBQIAP+ resources available at Gordon Library. We hope you enjoy!  

Recommended Reading and Queer Literary Awards

Sexuality in the Stacks

Browse the shelf with the call numbers below for LGBTQIAP+ resources. 

HQ12-449 Sexual life

HQ19-30.7 Sexual behavior and attitudes. Sexuality [Gender identity and queer theory]

HQ31-64 Sex instruction and sexual ethics

HQ74-74.2 Bisexuality

HQ75-76.8 Homosexuality. Lesbianism

HQ77-77.95 Transvestism, Transexualism [Transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming, gender fluid, gender queer]

HQ793 - 799.2 Youth. Adolescents. Teenagers [Special emphasis on LGBTQIAP+ homeless youth, youth movements]

HQ981-996 Polygamy

LC2574-2576 Gays. Lesbians. Bisexuals

Subject Headings

Subject Headings are a great way to navigate a subject in mind, but don't know a particular book you are looking for. They can also help lead to you related subjects or topics in your research. Here are some LGBTQIAP+ subject headings you can use to find books. For a more detailed list, check out Indiana University Bloomington's List of LGBTQIAP+ LOC Subject Headings. In the advanced search feature, change your search filters from "any field" to "subject" and input these into the search bar.

  • Sexual orientation.
  • Asexuality (Sexual orientation).
  • Bisexuality
  • Gays.
  • Lesbians.
  • Gender identity
  • Gender nonconformity.
  • Intersex people.
  • Transgender people. 
  • Queer theory.
  • Gender nonconformity.
  • Gay rights.
  • Non-monogamous relationships.
  • Sexual behavior.
  • Sexology--History.
  • Sexual orientation--Fiction.
  • Sexual minority community.