Books are important sources of humanities scholarship. To find books at the Gordon Library:
To search for a specific book or to search for books by a specific author, go to the Advanced Search page. Here, you can search by title, author, subject, and more.
These eBook collections & databases allow reading through your browser, and some allow downloading chapters or complete volumes for offline reading.
ebook collection of over 27,000 titles from Cambridge University Press; available in html format or downloadable PDFs.
Early English Books Online (EEBO) is the definitive online collection of early printed works in English. With over 125,000 titles from before 1700, the EEBO contains virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1473-1700.
200,000+ full text books on many topics: Business & Economics, Computers, Technology & Engineering, Humanities, Life & Physical Sciences, Social & Behavioral Sciences. For help using Ebook Central:
You must either be on campus or using the VPN if off campus to connect with this content.
>>In case of difficulty, try clearing your browser's cache.<<
Search and browse 12,000 full text eBooks.
Browsable collection of e-books from JSTOR. Downloadable PDFs available at the chapter level.
Access to 3000+ ebook titles from MIT Press. Key subject areas covered in the complete collection include art and architecture, biomedical sciences, business and finance, computer science, cognitive science, design, education, environment, game studies, humanities, information science, linguistics, neuroscience, new media, philosophy, and social sciences.
Collection of over 4000 Open Access ebooks from Project Muse
e-Book collection of over 75,000 titles from Springer; most books can be downloaded in PDF format by chapter or book. **Full text access is available ONLY for WPI subscribed titles, not the full Springer collection.
Over 3000 e-books from Taylor and Francis; items can be read online and downloaded in PDF format by chapter or full e-book.
Collection of over 3000 Open Access e-books from De Gruyter Publishing.
Ebooks: Many of Gordon Library's books are available digitally, and you can access these via the links in WPI Library Search. For example:
Print books: Print books in the library are organized by call number. When you find a print book in the WPI Library Search, look for the book's call number:
Gordon Library uses the Library of Congress call number system. Call numbers A-N are on the 3rd floor of the library. Call numbers P-Z are on the 1st floor. (Please note that the main entrance to the library is on the 2nd floor.)
You can check books out at the information services desk on the main floor. Your WPI ID is your library card.
Is there something you need that the WPI library doesn't have? Our Interlibrary Loan service allows WPI students and faculty to request items from other libraries free of charge.