A great place to start your search for OER is an OER search tool, such as OASIS or the OER Metafinder. These tools allow you to search some of the main trusted sources of OER through their interfaces.
*Search OASIS
Openly Available Sources Integrated Search (OASIS) is a search tool that aims to make the discovery of open content easier. OASIS currently searches open content from 115 different sources.
This is a search engine for open access textbooks and OER from George Mason University. It searches across 22 different sources of open educational materials:
You can also search individual OER and open textbook collections, listed below, or find open access or licensed content through the WPI Library Search.
When in doubt, ask your librarian! We can help you find OER to use in your courses.
Open Textbooks
Open Courseware
General Engineering-related OER
Lab manuals, Interactive materials & simulations
*many of the simulations and videos are view/use only (i.e. not adaptable)