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BME 3300: Biomedical Engineering Design: Article Databases

Why Use Databases?

There are different tools and ways to find information, such as Google Scholar, the library ALL Search box, and different databases. Each way has their own strengths and weaknesses, so it is recommended that you search in at least 3 different places.

Why use article databases?

• More focused/targeted searching - by subject/discipline
• More sorting/filtering options:
- Type of source (academic journal, book chapter, magazine, newspaper, report, etc).
- Sort results by relevance or date
- Potentially limit search to specific topic areas, geographic regions, languages, etc.
•  Many will auto-fill suggested search terms to help you search
•  Most make identification of peer reviewed journals/articles easier 
How to access databases at WPI:
  1. Go to the library website
  2. Click on the Databases link under the search box 
  3. If you know which specific database you want to go to click on the Databases A-Z link 
  4. If you are not sure which database(s) you need, click the Databases By Subject link then click the subject area that meets your needs

Research Tip: For this class you need to think about a wide variety of perspectives such as biological aspects, technical engineering, market research about potential customers, and legal issues such as standards and patents. You will want to look at different databases from medical to business in order to find all of the relevant information.

Biomedical Databases

General Sci/Eng Databases

Business/Market Research Databases