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Chemistry and Biochemistry: Research Resources

Research Resources

Check out BrowZine via the Gordon Library to browse accessible and relevant journals. The library recommends keyword searching Chemistry, and then scrolling to relevant sub-disciplines. Below is a listing of a variety highly ranked chemistry-centric academic journals.

The library also recommends keyword searching Biology, and then General/ Interdisciplinary, and then scrolling to relevant sub-disciplines. Below is a listing of a variety highly ranked biology-centric academic journals.


  • AACT: Simulations 
    This page is a collection of all the simulations created by the American Association of Chemistry Teachers. Several new simulations are added each year. Every simulation is open for teachers and students to access. 

  • ACS Middle School Chemistry: Remote Learning Assignments 
    Each assignment contains videos, images, and questions keyed to the ACS Middle School curriculum. Users can copy any of the Google Forms to their Google Drive to edit and use. 

  • Aspirin Screen Experiment 
    Explore the chemistry of aspirin virtually with four levels of experiments, including synthesis, thin layer chromatography, and reaction conditions. 

  • ChemCollective 
    The ChemCollective, organized by a group from Carnegie Mellon, shares virtual labs, simulations, and molecular level visualizations for chemistry (See “Resources by type” in site’s sidebar.) to learn and teach chemistry 

  • ChemReaX 
    Users can model and simulate chemical reactions, focusing on thermodynamics, equilibrium, kinetics, and acid­–base titrations, with accompanying virtual lab exercises. It is designed for high school (AP/IB) and undergraduate students and teachers. 

  • CK–12 Chemistry Simulations 
    Nearly two dozen simulations cover topics like average atomic mass, solubility with rock candy, and freezing point depression with road salt. 

  • General/Introductory Chemistry: Simulations 
    This page, maintained by chemistry professor William Vining, has simulations that cover a wide range of chemistry concepts. 

  • goREACT 
    This drag-and-drop periodic table environment from Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry lets you experiment with different element combinations. 

  • MERLOT Materials: Chemistry Simulations 
    The Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT) at the California State University has collected descriptions and links to a huge number of chemistry simulations, with peer review ratings and comments, and information on appropriate grade levels. 

  • Mixed Reception 
    This ChemCollective activity could be described as a murder mystery for chemistry students. “Interview” suspects by viewing videos, investigate the crime scene using images, and analyze evidence from the crime lab. 

  • Molecular Workbench 
    Browse “showcase” chemistry simulations, with many more available in the library. It also has tools for teachers and students to create their own. 

  • Titration Screen Experiment 
    Give students titration practice virtually. 

  • PhET Interactive Simulations 
    PhET, based at the University of Colorado at Boulder, offers over four dozen chemistry-based simulations, many translated into different languages. Search by subject and grade level.  

  • Virtual Chemistry Experiments 

Professor David N. Blauch of Davidson College presents several interactive experiment simulations on topics such as equilibrium, kinetics, crystal structure, phase changes, gases, and more. 

Adapted from Virtual Chemistry and Simulations - American Chemical Society (