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ECON 2910 - Economics And Entrepreneurship: Home

Hello and Welcome to the Gordon Library ECON 2910: Economics and Entrepreneurship Guide!

"Break the rules!" by Ed.ward is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


This course guide provides resources for ECON/ETR 2910. Use the tabs on the top or the links below to navigate this guide.

Research and Instruction Librarian

Profile Photo
Kate Boylan
Gordon Library, Room 202C
(508) 831-6591


"Ecomaterials Innovation Lab - Boston, MA" by poptech is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

"This course is designed to provide an introduction to economics, an introduction to entrepreneurship, and an understanding of the linkages between economics and entrepreneurship. Students will apply these concepts to the assessment of opportunities that might arise from participation in WPI projects. Students will engage in exploring how economics and entrepreneurship can inform opportunity assessment within an ambiguous and uncertain context. These decisions are always made with incomplete information and there is typically no single correct answer but rather multiple possible answers -- each with pluses and minuses." 

James Webb Space Telescope Revealed"James Webb Space Telescope Revealed" by NASA Goddard Photo and Video is licensed under CC BY 2.0

From the Department of Social Sciences and Policy Research: 

"You must understand society to effectively address our global grand challenges. Toward this end, the Social Science & Policy Studies (SSPS) department prepares students to understand human behavior and cognition, the environment, sustainable development, policy design and evaluation, and systems thinking. Through our teaching and student research opportunities, we cultivate professionals who have a deep understanding of the social impacts of science, technology, and innovation. 

Our dedicated faculty offers students unique opportunities to make connections between societal concerns and technology through faculty-led research and student projects. To prepare themselves professionally, many of our students will double major in a technical field and a complementary SSPS-related degree. We also offer a variety of minors that can be uniquely paired with any major."

For a full description of programs and courses on offer, please refer to the Department of Social Science & Policy Studies

Resources Available at the Gordon Library