Looking for books helps you to find not only original texts but also to find collections of critical essays about these texts. To find books at the Gordon Library, type your keywords into WPI Library Search, click on Resource Type on the left, and then select the Books filter:
The Gordon Library categorizes/organizes books using the LC (Library of Congress) Classification System. Letters and numbers denote subject and location in the collection.
The first two lines describe the subject of the book.
The third line represents the author's last name.
The last line represents the date of publication.
Our Interlibrary Loan service allows WPI students and faculty to request items from other libraries free of charge.
The Academic and Research Collaborative (ARC), allows member users to borrow directly from Worcester area libraries. Before you can borrow materials directly from participating libraries, you need to sign up for an ARC card in person at the Gordon Library's Information Desk. Pick up your ARC card today!