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HI 2320: Intro to Modern European History - Prof. Emily Gioielli: WPI Library Search

WPI Library Search

WPI Library Search (the main search box on the library homepage) searches across most of the library's resources at once and can be used to find books, articles, and more. Enter your keywords to get started. Then use the tips below to refine your search results. 

Search Tips for WPI Library Search: 

Use these search terms to narrow or broaden your search:





domestic AND labor

Narrows the search to entries containing both terms.


labor OR employment

Broadens the search to entries containing either term.


Stonewall NOT Jackson

Excludes entries containing the second term.

“ ”

“social work”

Retrieves results containing the exact phrase in quotes.



Wildcard: Retrieves both globalization and globalisation.



Truncation: Retrieves feminism, feminist, feminists, etc. 


After you search, refine your search results using the filters on the left​. Filter by availability, resource type, publication date, and more. ​

Screenshot of the search filters in the WPI Library Search

WPI Library Search Video

Run Time: 1:03

Key Student Learning Competencies:

  • Gordon Library Homepage (0:15)
  • Search Overview (0:30)
  • Filters (0:45)