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HU 3900: Life in the Nuclear Age: Films

How to Find Films and Videos in WPI Library Search

To find films at the Gordon Library:

  • Enter your keywords into WPI Library Search
  • On the search results page, click on Resource Type on the left, and then select the Videos filter
  • To limit your search to online videos, go to the Availability filter on the left and select Available online
  • To limit your search to dvdsgo to the Availability filter on the left and select Available on shelf

Screenshot of the WPI Library Search. The search terms used are Atomic Cafe. Arrows on the image point to the search filters for availability and resource type.

How to Access Films

DVDs: DVDs at Gordon Library are organized by call number. When you find a DVD in the WPI Library Search, look for the film's call number: 

Screenshot of the WPI Library Search entry for the film The Atomic Cafe. An arrow in the image points to the film's call number.


You can check DVDs out at the information services desk on the main floor. Your WPI ID is your library card. 


Online Videos: Some of Gordon Library's videos are available digitally, and you can access these via the links in WPI Library Search. For example:

Screenshot of the WPI Library Search entry for the video Nuclear Option. An arrow in the image points to the link to view the video online.

Video Databases

Examples of Films Available at the WPI Library

Examples of documentaries available at Gordon Library:

Examples of dramas available at Gordon Library: