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Identifying Unheard Voices: Gender & Sexual Orientation

The following guide provides an overview for identifying underrepresented voices and communities within research.

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Voices at risk from Gender & Sexual Orientation Bias

The voices of women, nonbinary, and other marginalized communities are underrepresented in academia, government, healthcare, and other industries. History has shown, that even when women researchers did the work, many times others took credit for it. Other times there may be a name change and the scholarly record from that person has a break.

By intentionally seeking out and citing work created by and for individuals from marginalized communities, we help to advocate for the creators, their communities, and the perspectives they present.  At the same time, we broaden our own understanding of the topic. 

For books by classes of people, first, identify the subject heading used for that class of person, then add subject subdivision terms to narrow your search.

For autobiographies and memoirs, use the subject subdivision term Biography (LCSH). 

For primary sources try these subject subdivision terms to find first hand accounts by historically marginalized voices:

  • Sources (LCSH)combine with historical topics or authors (e.g. Gays Sources).

  • Personal narratives (LCSH)combine with events and wars (e.g. Feminists Personal narratives).

  • Correspondence (LCSH)combine with names of individuals, classes of people, and ethnic groups (e.g. Women authors Correspondence).

  • Diaries (LCSH)combine with names of individuals, classes of people, and ethnic groups (e.g. Women Diaries).

  • Interviews (LCSH)combine with names of individuals, classes of people, and ethnic groups (e.g. Lesbians Interviews).

Places to Start Your Search

Use Browzine to search for and explore journals by title or to browse journals by topic. The Gordon Library recommends broadly searching using the keyword 'gender and sexuality', and then clicking into some of the more narrowly focused topical materials. 

The following links will introduce users to a variety of external resources related to gender and sexual orientation bias, and features a range of professional organizations, academic library guides, collections, scholarly literature, and first person accounts.

American Association of University Women

Non-profit focused on gender pay and leadership equity, fighting "to remove the barriers and biases that stand in the way of gender equity. We train women to negotiate for pay and benefits and to pursue leadership roles. And we advocate for federal, state and local laws and policies to ensure equity and end discrimination".

The Williams Institute--UCLA School of Law

"The Williams Institute conducts independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy. We ensure that facts—not stereotypes—inform laws, policies, and judicial decisions that affect the LGBT community".

The Women Writers project--Northeastern University 

"Women Writers Online is a full-text collection of early women’s writing in English, published by the Women Writers Project at Northeastern University. It includes full transcriptions of texts published between 1526 and 1850, focusing on materials that are rare or inaccessible. The range of genres and topics covered makes it a truly remarkable resource for teaching and research, providing an unparalleled view of women’s literate culture in the early modern period."

New York Institute of Technology Library--Anti-Oppression LibGuide: LGBTQIA resources

Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Library Sexual Orientation & the Law Research Guide

Duke University Women's Studies Guide

Yale University--Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies: Research Guide

University of Arizona Law Library--LGBT Legal Materials: After Obergefell Guide


ProQuest (Every Voice) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Guide

LOC links to collections related to LGBTQ+ studies, history, research, and culture.  

LOC links to Journal and Internet Resources on the history of women in the science, technology and engineering fields

The Trailblazing Black Woman Chemist Who Discovered a Treatment for Leprosy 

The Rosalind Franklin Papers

Monro S. (2019). Non-binary and genderqueer: An overview of the field. The International Journal of Transgenderism, 20(2-3), 126–131.

Liszewski, W., Peebles, J. K., Yeung, H., & Arron, S. (2018). Persons of nonbinary gender - Awareness, visibility, and health disparities. The New England journal of medicine, 379(25), 2391–2393.

Heidari, S., Babor, T.F., De Castro, P. (2016) Sex and gender equity in research: Rationale for the SAGER guidelines and recommended use. Res Integr Peer Rev 1, 2

Jameela, M., Moynihan, S., & Witham, N. (2021). Gender inequalities and academic journal publishing: The view from the Journal of American Studies. Journal of American Studies, 1-24. https://doi:10.1017/S0021875820001668    

 Global Goal 5: Gender Equality. (2018). UN sustainable development goals explainers. [Video/DVD] Makematic.

How Does Gender Inequality Affect a Country’s Economic Performance?. (N.D.).  Latest Thinking. [Video/DVD].