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WR 4111: Research Methods In Writing: Databases

Gordon Library Databases

The WPI Library subscribes to many databases. Use these databases discover a variety of electronic resources to support your research.

  • All Databases A-Z: A complete list of the library's databases.
  • Databases by Subject: Find databases for engineering, natural sciences, humanities, and more.
  • Databases by Type: Find databases for specific types of sources, such as newspapers, patents, standards, statistics, and other categories.
  • Database TrialsCheck out the databases that we are testing out.               

Not sure where to start? Have a question for a librarian? Request a consultation or email us.

Suggested Databases for Humanities

Use these databases to find journal articles, books, and book chapters on writing, rhetoric, composition and communication topics.

To find more history databases and electronic resources, check out the Humanities Databases

Locating Relevant Databases at WPI

This video tutorial describes the process for locating and accessing WPI Library databases.

Frequently Used Databases

Searching a Database and Retrieving Full Text Articles at WPI

This video tutorial provides instructions on searching WPI Library databases and on obtaining full-text articles, when available.