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WR 4111: Research Methods In Writing: Journals

Peer Reviewed or Refeered

What are "peer-reviewed" journals?

A peer-reviewed journal is a respected publication. Before articles are published within these types of journals, they are sent by the editors of the journal to other scholars in the field ("peers"), often anonymously, to get feedback on the quality of the scholarship, review research methods, as well as relevance or importance to the field. The article may be accepted, often with revisions suggested, or rejected for publication. Many peer-reviewed journals have low acceptance rates. 

Peer-reviewed articles are typically substantial in length (often 10 pages or more) and typically have many citations. 

To find peer reviewed articles in WPI Library Search, enter your keywords and then choose the Peer-Reviewed Journals filter on the left.

screenshot of the Peer-reviewed Journals filter in the WPI Library Search

Composition and the Teaching of Writing

Examples of Journals on Composition & the Teaching of Writing: 

Rhetoric/Writing in the Public Sphere

Examples of Journals on Rhetoric/Writing in the Public Sphere:


Use BrowZine (the "Journals" link on the library homepage) to find journals available at WPI. Browse by subject to find relevant journals.  

Here are some subjects you may be interested in:

Rhetoric and Argument

Examples of Journals on Rhetoric and Argument:

Professional Writing/Communication

Examples of Journals on Professional Writing/Communication:

Rhetoric of Science/Medicine

Examples of Journals on Rhetoric of Science/Medicine:

Writing and Technology

Examples of Journals on Writing and Technology:

Other Journals

Other journals you may be interested in: