Record Keeping
"Maintaining a permanent record of the details (including the data) of an individual’s day-to-day research work in the laboratory or office."
Source: Laboratory Record Keeping Procedures
All researchers have an interest in, and responsibility to, protect the integrity of the research record.
Why do we care?
-To reconstruct/reproduce what was done (validation)
-To assign credit to researchers
-To prepare reports, papers, etc.
-To teach others how to analyze results, develop new tests, identify errors
-To meet contractual requirements
-To avoid fraud or carelessness (both of which could call the research into question)
-To defend patent claims (US patent law follows first-to-conceive not first-to-file system)
A laboratory notebook is a record of both the physical and mental activity of research. The principles of good record keeping include:
Source: Guideline for Scientific Record Keeping in the Intramural Research Program at the NIH
How would you answer these questions based on your research circumstances?
Best practices for record keeping in your lab notebook should include:
Who did it (the person making the record)
What you did: experiment descriptions, data outputs; analysis
Why you did it: process explanations
How you did it: protocols, calculations, equipment (including instrument information: type, serial number), materials used, time taken, etc.
When you did it: chronological layout
Where materials are
What happened (& what did not): results/findings
Your interpretations
Contributions of others & what’s next/next steps
Data should be recorded in ways that cannot be altered. Records also should be protected from destruction (ranging from fading caused by sunlight or flooding to computer crashes).