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Library Academic Strategies (LAS) Assessment Templates : Assessment Plans

This LibGuide covers a variety of information literacy assessment modalities. Feel free to utilize this LibGuide as though it were a Sandbox, and use your discretion to add anything of relevance as you come across it!

Assessment Plans--Student Learning Outcomes

“One-Shot” Instructional and Assessment Plan (2022)

This following “One-Shot” assessment plan incorporates elements of the ACRL Information Literacy Standards for Higher Education, with an emphasis on the following competencies: research as inquiry, searching as strategic exploration, authority is constructed and contextual, and finally, information creation as a process.

Goals and Objectives of "One-shot" Instruction (revised in 2022; modified from 2020-21 LAS goals):

1. To promote critical thinking through information literacy.

2. To reinforce the importance of source evaluation with regard to the use of appropriate information and research for student work.

3. To collaborate with faculty to integrate information literacy within online course instruction to meet the needs of undergraduate  students.

4. To conduct assessment of student learning, collect data, and develop student centric approaches to information literacy which are flexible and adaptable to a variety of academic disciplines.

5. Prioritize the creation of online, asynchronous modules and problem-based learning activities, deliverables, and assets, in accord with the WPI Plan.  

The following "One-Shot" assessment will utilize the Library Academic Strategies (LAS) Learning Outcomes, developed in 2021, as an initial point of departure for student assessment, with a focus on outcomes # 2 & 3. 

Information Literacy (IL) Learning Outcomes (2021):

1. Identifying an information need:

  • Deconstructing a research question and identifying its key concepts.  
  • Identifying and developing a focused research topic or research problem. 
  • Generating keywords and synonyms for key research concepts.
  • Recognizing that information needs evolve throughout the research process. 
  • Identifying stakeholders and their information needs.

2. Identifying where and how to find information 

  • Creating an efficient and effective search strategy through the selection of appropriate search tools. 
  • Recognizing that there are different search tools with different uses. 
  • Identifying a variety of types and formats of potential sources for information.

3. Evaluating information:

  • Analyzing the quality, relevance and reliability of information sources. 
  • Revising search strategies to find a range of perspectives on a topic based on the evaluation of the information gathered.
  • Identifying the purpose, audience, and potential use of varied information resources. 

4. Organizing and documenting information

  • Organizing and sharing effectively by using appropriate tools, technologies, and strategies. 
  • Identifying and recording all pertinent citation information.  

5. Responsible creation and ethical use of information 

  • Determining whether to support or challenge viewpoints encountered. 
  • Combining new information with existing knowledge to generate new ideas and address the problem or question. 
  • Contextualizing information in terms of the cultural, socio-economic, legal, and ethical implications of information.
  • Attributing work by others accurately and appropriately to avoid plagiarism and recognizing intellectual property of others. 

Undergraduate Learning Outcomes 

Graduates of WPI will: 

  1. have a base of knowledge in mathematics, science, and humanistic studies. 
  2. have mastered fundamental concepts and methods in their principal areas of study. 
  3. understand and employ current technological tools. 
  4. be effective in oral, written and visual communication. 
  5. function effectively both individually and on teams. 
  6. be able to identify, analyze, and solve problems creatively through sustained critical investigation. 
  7. be able to make connections between disciplines and to integrate information from multiple sources. 
  8. be aware of how their decisions affect and are affected by other individuals separated by time, space, and culture. 
  9. be aware of personal, societal, and professional ethical standards. 
  10. have the skills, diligence, and commitment to excellence needed to engage in lifelong learning

Assessment of Students

Assessment of Programs

Assessment of Library Instructors