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FP 3080 - Introduction to Building Fire Safety System Design Systems: Open Education Resources

This guide brings together resources for building fire safety design

Start Your Search

A great place to start your search for OER is an OER search tool, such as OASIS or the OER Metafinder. These tools allow you to search some of the main trusted sources of OER through their interfaces.

*Search OASIS  
Openly Available Sources Integrated Search (OASIS) is a search tool that aims to make the discovery of open content easier. OASIS currently searches open content from 115 different sources.


*Search the OER Metafinder

This is a search engine for open access textbooks and OER from George Mason University. It searches across 22 different sources of open educational materials

MOM iconMason OER Metafinder (MOM)
Advanced Search


You can also search individual OER and open textbook collections, listed below, or find open access or licensed content through the WPI Library Search.

When in doubt, ask your librarian! We can help you find OER to use in your courses.

Open Education Resources - Open Textbooks

Open Textbooks  

ASEE/ELD Open Textbooks for Engineering- curated list of open textbooks from the American Society for Engineering Education  

B.C. Open Collection: Engineering - a curated selection of open educational resources (OER) from British Columbia  

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB):Engineering (General) - scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books  

InTechOpen: Engineering – peer reviewed open access books in various engineering/technology fields [open access, but not openly licensed]  

LibreTexts: Engineering – “multi-institutional collaborative venture to develop the next generation of open-access texts  
to improve postsecondary education at all levels of higher learning”  

Mavs Open Press: Engineering – from the University of Texas at Arlington Libraries  

Milne Open Textbooks: Engineering - Milne Library Publishing at SUNY Geneseo provides a catalog of open textbooks authored and peer-reviewed by SUNY faculty and staff  

MIT OpenCourseware: Engineering Textbooks – open textbooks from MIT   

The National Academies Press: Engineering and Technology- reports and books from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine  

OER Commons - Engineering -  Engineering textbooks from OER Commons, a public digital library of open educational resources  

Open Textbook Library: Engineering - a comprehensive repertory that points to open textbooks by a variety of authors and publishers from the University of Minnesota  

Teaching Commons: Engineering – open textbooks from leading colleges and universities  




Open Courseware

Engineering at Alberta – open educational resources could include text, videos, interactive examples, or downloadable content such as code snippets  

Learning Support Courseware for Engineering - Educational material based on work supported by the National Science Foundation; from Virginia Tech  

Mechatronics Technology — NSC STEM Pathways - courses mapped to the Siemens Mechatronic Systems Level 1 certification  

MERLOT Engineering Community Portal - resources on a wide variety of topics ranging from aerospace engineering to petroleum engineering to help with teaching and research  

MIT Open Courseware Engineering Courses – courses, materials, & teaching resources  

Open Michigan: Engineering – includes syllabi, assignments, lectures, course materials, student work, and labs  

Stanford Engineering Everywhere - Access full course materials including lecture videos, syllabi, handouts, homework, and exams from Stanford  

Teaching Commons: Engineering - open educational resources from leading colleges and universities, including open-access textbooks, course materials,  lesson plans, multimedia, lectures, k-12 materials, and more  

General Engineering OER

MERLOT Materials: Engineering – discipline-specific learning materials, learning exercises, and Content Builder webpages,  
together with associated comments, and bookmark collections  

National Science Digital Library: Engineering – high-quality online educational resources for teaching and learning, with current emphasis on the sciences,  technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)  

OASIS: Engineering – a search tool for open content from 115 different sources from SUNY Geneseo's Milne Library  

OER Commons: Engineering – a large collection of resources, including textbooks, lesson plans, activities, assessments, & more  

Lab manuals, Interactive materials & simulations

  Note: many of the simulations and videos are view/use only (i.e. not adaptable)  

ECE YouTube videos - Tutorial videos on signal processing and random signals from UMass Dartmouth's ECE 320 and ECE 521 courses  

Engineering Computations at Github - A collection of learning modules in engineering computations for undergraduate studies, using Python and Jupyter Notebooks  

Engineering Technology 3D Simulations (MERLOT) -Over 150 emeddable or downloadable 3D Simulations in the subject area of Automation,  
Electro/Mechanical, Process Control, and Renewable Energy  

Learn ChemE - chemical engineering education resources – including simulations, screencasts, labs & more  -prepared by faculty for use by students and instructors  

nanoHUB: Model and Simulate – tools and apps for education and research  

Problem Sets for Aerospace Structures - a collection of interactive problems and solutions from Virginia Tech includes over  
twenty-five collections of 3-5 problems each on topics relevant to undergraduate-level aerospace structures  

University of Oxford Podcasts: Department of Engineering Science -educational engineering podcasts from the University of Oxford  

Virtual Labs: Engineering – From the India Ministry of Education, simulation-based Labs in various disciplines of Science and Engineering 

OER Collections