If you are looking for more general information, or an overview of a certain topic, try the following search tips:
Full text and search access to American Chemical Society journals. You must either be on campus or using the VPN if off campus to connect with this content. You can also use the "Find my institution" link on the American Chemical Society site. (Spell out Worcester).
Collection of critical science and engineering handbooks.(Subscription includes: Biochemistry Biology & Biotechnology; Chemistry & Chemical Engineering; Fire Protection Engineering & Emergency Response; General Engineering & Project Administration; Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering ; ASM International Materials Collection Online).
A free database that provides access to selected material safety data sheets.
Extensive collection of bibliographic information covering the biochemical, pharmacological, physiological, and toxicological effects of drugs and other chemicals.
[Access is limited to current WPI students, faculty and staff. Access is not available for walk-in or non-affiliated users.]
Connect with the world’s scientific knowledge and find the answers you need to advance your scientific research. Access journals and patents across multiple disciplines and identify chemical substances and structures, names, and properties, including CAS Registry Numbers®. In addition, take advantage of the included structure drawing tool, powerful visualizations, a retrosynthesis planner, bioactivity data, and more. With an easy-to-use search interface, get started quickly and complete your research tasks with confidence. *Use the Open CAS App Switcher (top left corner) to also access CAS Analytical Methods and CAS Formulus® on the CAS SCIFINDER DISCOVERY PLATFORM.
Current WPI faculty, staff, and students must create their own SciFinder username and password before they can access the database. You must use a campus IP (i.e be on campus or using VPN) when you create your account, and you must use your @wpi.edu email address when you register. SciFinder will email to this address instructions for completing your registration. Non-WPI email addresses will not be accepted.
**Click on REGISTRATION to begin.
For more detailed information Click here
Search journals published by Wiley-Blackwell. WPI subscribes to many titles in various topic areas such as chemistry, medical & life sciences, materials science and engineering.
This video goes into the basics of searching SciFinder-n. You can find chemical literature, substances, reactions, patents, biosequences, and suppliers. If you have any questions, please email us at library@wpi.edu or drop in to our offices. You can also schedule an appointment with one of us from the main library site.
Here are some links to more videos and tutorials on the SciFinder-n website:
Find more journals by searching Browzine. Browzine also allows you to find the top-ranking chemistry journals and journals specific to various subfields, such as biochemistry or spectroscopy.