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Off-Campus Access to WPI Library Resources: Full-text access with a browser bookmarklet

This guide will help WPI users access the library's subscribed content from anywhere there is internet access.

Full-text access with a browser bookmarklet

One of the challenges of EZproxy is that if you are looking at information that WPI subscribes to but you have gotten to it from off-campus and not directly from one of the library's pages it may initially appear that WPI does not provide access. Some examples of when this might happen are:

  • You navigate to ScienceDirect, IEEExplore, Science, or Nature without going to the library website first and you are faced with a page that asks for an individual login or asks you to pay money for an article.  
  • A colleague sends you a link to an article but when you follow the link you are denied access.

In the above instances WPI may provide access but your connection to the content was through the publisher or vendor rather than routed through the EZproxy, therefore the webpage you are visiting does not know to prompt you for your WPI credentials. There are two solutions to this for a laptop or desktop computer:

  1. Rerun your search for the article by searching in Summon or the library databases, as mentioned above. 
  2. Add the EZproxy via WPI Lib Bookmarklet by dragging and dropping this to your favorites toolbar: Reload via WPI Lib If you are at a website that you suspect WPI provides access to, click the Reload via WPI Lib button on your toolbar and the page will reload with a prompt to login to WPI Library.  

In cases where searching the library website and trying Reload via WPI Lib does not provide access to materials, we encourage you to take advantage of our robust interlibrary loan service.

If you are still uncertain of what our library provides, please Ask Us!

An example of how Reload via WPI Lib looks in a Chrome Toolbar: