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Off-Campus Access to WPI Library Resources: Full-text access with your Android device

This guide will help WPI users access the library's subscribed content from anywhere there is internet access.

Full-text access with your Android device

When accessing the library from an Android mobile device WPI community members may want to create a bookmarklet that will enable them to be authenticated through EZproxy.  The specific steps to do this will vary by device but general instructions are as follows:

  1. Create the bookmark within Chrome browser by visiting this page and tapping on the star icon. Note where you save the bookmark since you will need to edit it.
  2. Select and copy this bookmarklet code: 
  3. Tap the menu icon and select bookmarks. 
  4. Edit the Reload via EZproxy to be called Reload via WPI Lib and replace the URL with the javascript code above.

The bookmarklet is needed if you are going directly to a journal or database. If you click on an article and cannot see the full text, type "Reload via WPI Lib" into the address bar and login with your WPI credentials when prompted. If full text is available through WPI this will allow you to view it.