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Curating your Online Presence: ResearchGate

Interested in boosting your visibility online? This is the guide to get you started.


ResearchGate: Primarily used as a file sharing site for academics, but some types of sharing may infringe on U.S. copyright laws. ResearchGate is a commercial entity, and it is currently being sued for copyright infringement by major publishers. ResearchGate allows profile users to connect with others, upload papers, ask questions, and track metrics on the attention your work gets online.

ResearchGate: Select it or Reject it?

Why Select ResearchGate Why Reject ResearchGate?
  • You want a profile that is easily findable.
  • Some automatic updating.
  • Allows you to modify public visibility of some parts of your profile.
  • Allows you to block others from following you.
  • Provides statistics on how others are viewing and using your work.
  • There are many potential copyright risks in sharing files.
  • Automatic updates may prompt you to add papers that aren't yours.
  • You're concerned about setting up a profile with a for-profit company that can use your personal data.
  • Others can follow you without your approval.
  • Company is the subject of a copyright infringement lawsuit.
  • Profile privacy and security settings are limited.
  • RG Score is not a transparent metric for evaluating research impact; it cannot be turned off or hidden.