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WPI Student Projects: Submission Process: Step 2: Gather Files

STEP 2: Gather your files for submission.

  • Responsibility for copyright compliance: All your files must comply with WPI and US copyright laws.  When submitting your project you will be asked to agree to the following statement:  I hereby certify that, if appropriate, I have obtained and attached hereto a written permission statement from the owner(s) of each third party copyrighted matter to be included in my project report, allowing distribution as specified below. I certify that the version I submitted is the same as that approved by my advisor(s) and sponsor(s).
  • WPI required statement on undergraduate works:  In 2007 WPI faculty agreed that the following statement should be included on the cover pages of IQPs and MQP's:  "This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement.  WPI routinely publishes these reports on the web without editorial or peer review."
  • File formats: Your main report should be in the form of a single PDF file, with PDF/A (accessible) the preferred PDF format. Any supplementary files can be accepted, with preferred formats being those that don't require specialized or commercial software to access, that are commonly used in your field or discipline, and that aren't encrypted or compressed. Current file size limit for submission through eProjects is .5GB. If your file is larger, Digital WPI can accept files up to 1GB, please work with to submit your file. 
  • Supplementary files: If you have supplementary files such as data files, photographs, presentation slides, reports, or other appendices, you will have the chance to add those in the submission process.  They will be listed at the end of the record for your main report, as in this example.  You will have the option to add a brief description (up to 200 characters) of your supplementary files, which may provide useful information to your readers. Examples: "Spreadsheet of results from community survey" or "Survey instrument used to assess project impacts" or "Code used to create interactive game to teach mathematics. Requires XYZ and knowledge of ABC to reuse."
  • Copyright licensing: You may choose licensing terms (such as Creative Commons licenses) and/or file restrictions for each file, but your selection of file restrictions for your main report must be made in consultation and with approval of your advisor (see Step 1 for more information).