Once the Registrar has approved the project, they will release it for publication in Digital WPI. This process may take up to a month after the final eCDR date for the term.
- you will receive an email from the Digital WPI team before embargoed projects are released for publication. At that time, if you want to request an extension of the embargo, you will be provided with information on how to do that.
- if a project you've advised is in the process of being redacted by the sponsor before publication, the project will be embargoed for up to 180 days, until you have provided the redacted version to the Digital WPI team (digitalwpi@wpi.edu). If you do not provide a redacted version, the originally submitted report will be released for publication when the embargo expires.
Once the project appears in Digital WPI, you will be able to view, retrieve, download, and share it.
After your project appears in Digital WPI, if you need to change the published form of your name either in the description (metadata) or content of your project, please contact us at digitalwpi@wpi.edu. You can also review our policies about name changes or other changes needed to protect privacy and confidentiality.